March Meeting

ATTENTION: The March meeting will be held on the FIRST Tuesday of the month – Tuesday, March 7th. This is due to BHS spring break, which occurs the second week of March.

Attendance at the February was very low, possibly because it was scheduled on Valentine’s Day, in addition to bad roads, illnesses, and other troublesome things that occur this time of year. Consequently, the hands-on demo that was scheduled to occur at the meeting (bowl gouge grinding techniques) will be re-run for the March meeting. See the earlier post for the February meeting for more details.

The president’s challenge for March is “Make something colorful”. This can be something stained/dyed/painted, or something made with colorful exotic wood, or even something like a box elder piece with its unique bright read streaks. The possibilities are numerous, so get your creative juices flowing and bring something colorful to show!

Hope to see you there!